James D. Martin

"Every undertaking is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph all your work with excellence".

James D. Martin is an Engineering Consultant for AT&T and has worked in the communication industry for 38 years. He has held numerous management positions within the AT&T organization. Some of James' positions included Design Engineer, Planning Engineer and Integrated Area Planner. He retired from AT&T in August of 1999.

He is versed in many computer operating systems and programs. James earned a Degree Certificate in Computer Systems Support and Maintenance from the University of Michigan. He also studied Business Administration for 2 years at Lawrence Institute of Technology and attended several AT&T engineering courses.

His interests include computer technology, all sports and recreational boating. He exercises regularly believing “that maintaining a high level of physical fitness improves your quality of life”. Serving GOD as an active memeber of Macedonia Baptist Church also plays a very important part in his life