Mentoring Program
This is the foundation of what Tangible Horizons brings to the community by guiding youth in life experiences. The Mentor Program serves children in the greater Detroit area ages 5-17. It is a proactive program that provides children with positive role models, whose goals are to motivate them in developing a positive self-perception and self-respect, encouraging excellence in education and the pursuit of positive life-long goals. Tangible Horizons, Inc. also provides services to the families of the children enrolled in our Mentor Program. Under the guidance of trained adult leaders, the children participate in weekly club meetings and other activities designed to strengthen personal values, work on interpersonal skills, and improve school performance.

Professional Resource Program:
What Do You Really Wanna Be?

This program delivers support services, which help youth achieve their career goals. By providing children with first-hand exposure to professional occupations, it encourages them to dream big and reach for the stars. Children are teamed up with a consultant who has direct connections with professionals in the child’s dream occupation.

Gentlemen’s Etiquette Training Program (GET)
This program is designed for young boys, ages 8-14, to teach the principles of etiquette and social conduct, turning rules into habits and developing good positive attitudes. Our goal is to assist in developing young gentlemen with an enlightened sense of appropriate social conduct, self-confidence, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-respect and respect for others, especially for women. Children who are introduced to etiquette often develop into respectful adults. Activities are many, including the opportunity to experience dining at a formal restaurant. (click here for PDF version)

Building Wealth for Teens: Financial Empowerment
This program provides teens with important financial-related information and opportunities for early economic advancement and economic empowerment. Participants are provided with valuable information on a variety of topics including: Financial literacy and building credit; Basics of Banking and Wealth Building; and Entrepreneurship.

Speaking With Confidence Club
Confident, charismatic leaders weren’t born that way. This training program helps children gain the confidence to become the leader and speaker they want to be. This is a learn-by-doing program in which children get to have the final word.
(click here for PDF version)

Tree Tops: Genealogy Program
This is a four-session family history program designed for children, ages 7-70, which helps them to research and cultivate their family tree. Many interactive techniques are used to build an awareness of and stress the importance of tracing one’s ancestry.

(click here for PDF version)

Parent Education Program
P.E.A.C.H (Producing Emotionally Adjusted Children)
This program is designed to equip parents with essential tools to effectively produce emotionally adjusted children. The issues addressed include: stress, discipline, child development from birth to adolescence, limits and choices, self-esteem, communication, parenting styles and anger management. (click here for PDF version)


“Teens And The Law”
This workshop outlines everyday legal situations for teens and parents. It includes practical real life solutions for everyday problems our teens face such as how to act or react when stopped by the police, how to remain silent until they talk to an attorney, driving issues, drugs and friends.

“Dad We Need You”
This workshop addresses the need for positive interaction with our children when Dad is not in the home. It is designed for both the parent and the child. Leadership and parenting are issues that must become the topic of conversation within our family unit.

Health & Fitness Motivation Clinic
This workshop is designed for those who still have not discovered how to fit a workout program into their busy schedules. Participants are given creative options that enable them to discover which physical activities they actually enjoy and how to permanently incorporate them into their lifestyle.


Education Issues
• Educating microwave children in a slow-cooker education system (click for description)
• Educating children and parents simultaneously
• How to ask for help when you need it…and get it!
• Bored children are boring children who need to be captured
• What every teacher needs to know to write the correct educational prescription for their students

Motivational Support
• Children of Incarcerated parents: When parents lose contact with their children; Parent-Child Visiting

Social Issues
• Dating etiquette for teens: how to meet parents, proper attire, where to go, social conduct in public

Information Technology Empowerment
These topics address contemporary issues of the information age and the importance of using the internet to get information on just about any subject. Topics are designed to empower adults and children to simplify their life and remove all fear of computer incompetence.

• How to send and receive email
• What every parent should know about parental controls on the internet
• How to use the internet efficiently to eliminate stress, save time, money, and gas in shopping, banking and research
• How to use the internet as an educational resource tool
• All you need to know about Internet Security
• How to buy and sell on EBay
• How to setup a home wireless network for multiple users of a single internet connection

Organizational Issues
• How to get employees on the same page…and keep them there
• Creating employees with a shareholder mentality
• How to resolve toxic working relationships on the job
• Customer Service is more than common sense

Feel free to download a copy of our brochure (click here to download PDF file)

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